Starbrite is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Starbrite relies heavily on donations, grants, and fundraising to keep the program running. In order to keep our services affordable Starbrite has to supplement approximately $150 each time a participant rides (appx. 50 participants ride each week). Starbrite considers all of its donors part of our team. We could not run our program without the support of the community. If you are interested in becoming part of the Starbrite team by making a tax-deductible donation please click the donation button below.

Join "Stars of Starbrite," our monthly giving program, and ensure consistent support for our essential services. Your contribution helps us continue to provide life-changing experiences for our participants. Join today and make a lasting impact!

Discover the heart of our mission at Starbrite through our horse sponsorships, where you can make a meaningful impact by covering feed, medicine, supplies, and daily care for our horses. Visit our sponsorship page to choose a horse awaiting your support by selecting their picture today!

Your sponsorship helps cover the costs of therapeutic riding lessons, providing essential support that isn't covered by insurance. Your investment yields a profound impact, empowering participants and transforming lives through the healing power of horses.